by Ana Krsmanovic
Ana is a marketing and journalism student at UF . Last summer she joined the study abroad program to Brussels. In addition to the class offered by Amie Kreppel and Magda Giurcanu, "EU in the World", Ana interned at PURE, a Dutch speaking new-style communication agency, focused on promoting Belgian culture. Ana's responsibility at PURE was to contribute to the online platform "I Love Belgium" and wrote 6 pieces on Belgian designers and fashion shows.
I would be lying if I told you that it didn’t happen the way it does in the movies — because it
happened exactly the way it happens in the movies.
I touched down at Brussels National Airport on a warm May morning and was greeted by the calm
Belgian summer breeze and infinite possibilities of a strange, new city.

All signs pointed to a promising story.
A few days later, armed with my very own 1990’s Belgian-registered cell phone and very-
obviously-a-tourist map, I found myself rushing through throngs of people down Chaussée d'Ixelles.
I was running late.
In my very American habits, I had made sure to leave two hours early for day one of my internship. I was to spend the summer interning at a local lifestyle and fashion communications firm, and I wanted to make a good first impression. In other words — I couldn’t be late!

Brussels sprawled out all around me — elegant and stoic. Like a well-suited gentlemen in old black and whites, it charmed me from this first encounter.
It did not help my situation that the blog I wrote for was entitled “I love Belgium” and gave me
nothing short of reason upon reason to do just that — fall in love.
From prepping and scheduling interviews with Belgium’s up-and-coming fashion and jewelry designers including Doriane van Overeeem and Kim Mee Hye, to attending and covering fashion shows, the romance blossomed.
I had the opportunity to visit world renowned graffiti artist Bue the Warrior and chat with
supermodel An Oost.
From immersing myself in the world of Belgian art and architecture, to sitting in the front row of
the Royal Academy of Ghent and Antwerp fashion shows — the enchantment continued.
The glitz and glamour of the clothes, the statement-making designs, the feminist messages which inspired the artistry made the entire experience richer, deeper and more satisfying.
On my very last evening in Brussels, I stepped off of the metro platform and made my way up the
cobblestone streets. The rain splattered onto my umbrella as the sun ran somewhere behind the
clouds, leaving just hints of reddish light above the rooftops.
In that moment it dawned on me, the sudden plot twist that promises to change both the story and
the character.
It wasn’t exactly like seeing you best friend in a new light for the first time. Rather, it was
more like discovering that the guy you met at the coffee shop is not only good looking, but also
funny, and sweet, and smart. It was like discovering that your already flattering dress also has
pockets, or finally learning the difference between chocolate and Belgian chocolate.
It was with that sort of quiet glimmer that I could finally name this unexpected discovery:
“I had fallen in love [with Belgium] the way you fall asleep. Slowly — and then all at once.” *
Words borrowed from top authority on young love: author John Green.
For more information of our UF in Brussels study abroad program, visit UF in Brussels
All photos courtesy of Ana Krsmanovic
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